From smart cities to smart policies to smart governance to smart services, highly efficient and automated government & public sector operations need to capitalise on their considerable data assets in real-time with speedy outcomes. Data driven AI analytics will lie at the heart of this, and with the real-time growth in volume spread over a wide geography and accessing different types of complex data, the only way to achieve this in short time and on an on-going secure and governed manner, is through Logical Data Management. Denodo is the long established clear market leader in this space. Learn how we can help you with innovation.
Statistics Estonia is the biggest Estonian government agency, a part of the Ministry of Finance, responsible for producing official statistics regarding Estonia. As part of their data infrastructure modernization process, they implemented Denodo Platform, to seamlessly migrate from ordinary Oracle to Exadata, without statisticians knowing about the underlying changes. Denodo accelerates big/advanced query scenarios and helps statisticians with easy data browsing, data access and data management. Listen to Tauno Tamm, Chief Data Officer at Statistics Estonia, to learn how they plan to provide critical statistical information to external statisticians, analyst and data scientists, some of whom are part of Eurostat.