In today’s highly competitive, constantly changing business environment, real-time insights are crucial for success. The challenge is that data is stored across many different silos, in a variety of formats. It requires skilled IT resources to aggregate this data and ensure that it is in a common format so business users can gain meaningful insights from the data, and even with such resources, the process is highly complex.
The Denodo Platform is a logical data management solution that provides real-time access to curated, high-quality data. Powered by data virtualization, the Denodo Platform establishes a logical abstraction layer across all enterprise data assets that enables immediate access to any dataset without needing to first copy or replicate it. When a user connects to data and requests it, the Denodo Platform retrieves that data from one or more backend systems in real time, integrates it into business-friendly views, and delivers it to the user. Users can consume the data via Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Excel, or any other analytics tool, to gain valuable insights.
The Denodo Platform for Microsoft Azure is available via four subscription tiers, enabling you to choose the features and capacity appropriate for your needs. More details on the various subscription tiers can be found here.
Included with the Denodo Platform’s out-of-the-box connectivity to 150+ cloud and on-premises data sources is optimized connectivity with the following Microsoft Azure services:

Azure SQL Database

Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Data Lake Storage gen2

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Azure Database for MySQL

Azure CosmoDB

Azure Blob

Azure HDInsight